Kevin Verre
Software Engineer

Software Engineering

I've been writing code since high school. I studied Computer Science for four years at the University of Illinois. After graduation I moved to Silicon Valley for work. My favorite thing about software engineering is building software that people really love to use and are grateful for. I care a lot about the user experience, fixing bugs and making improvements so that people really love the software that I help build.

Most recently I've been writing code mostly in Python, Ruby (on Rails), JavaScript, Java, and HTML/CSS. But I've also written code in Objective-C, PHP, Perl, C#, Bash scripting, C/C++, ActionScript. I try to learn new languages or frameworks or tools every once in a while.

"Wine & Hack" events for software developers

I've been throwing a bunch of "hackathon" events and parties in Silicon Valley. I have one every 6-8 weeks on a Saturday. It starts out with hanging out at my place in the afternoon. We call it a hackathon because guests are welcome to bring their laptop and work on stuff in the afternoon. Plenty of people attend even if they are not software developers. For dinner we have a potluck or eat somewhere nearby. Then we hang out afterwards.

These events are a lot of fun. I've hosted seventeen such events so far. Ask me for an invite. Usually about 15-20 people stop by.

These events are on pause due to Covid. Instead I sometimes host audio-only discussions online over Twitter Spaces. Occasionally I will organize an online event over Zoom or something.

Every day I spend an overage of at least 15 minutes online trying to help people with depression. I volunteer to try to help people using different sites, including 7cups, BlahTherapy, and Reddit. You can read more about this project at its website:

KV's Giant Playlist

I LOVE listening to music! I have a giant Spotify playlist that I've been adding to over the past two years.
Link to playlist as a text file.

Kevin's Guide to Git (

Many software engineers use Git. But it's difficult to learn and there are lots of useful tricks. I wrote this guide to teach it better. Good for people who are just starting to learn Git or want to learn more about it.

Article: "Technology, Product Design, and User Experience"

An article I wrote to teach lessons about User Experience.
It's useful for software designers, engineers, or even just software users.

I wrote a non-fiction book and made a little website for the book. It's a collection of my thoughts on several different topics: school, work, dating. It's the book I wish someone had given me to read! You can read the book online via this website. I'll try to make small updates every once in a while.

I made a little website to help people examine their thoughts. It's designed to help you with stress, worry, or anxiety. It gives you questions to consider related to whatever you're worried about. Hopefully you see the problem a little bit differently after using this tool. Inspired mostly by writings by Byron Katie.

I made a very simple educational website that I thought was a neat idea. It's supposed to inspire visitors to learn about things through Google. It generates all the links from a text list using JavaScript.


FolderNotes was a web app I made while learning Ruby on Rails and Heroku. Users can use the website to create a collection of links and text posts. Each folder can be public or private.

Link to my music on SoundCloud

Some old songs I composed and recorded while playing piano/keyboards/MIDI.

Kevin's LinkedIn Profile

My LinkedIn Profile.

Kevin's Papaly Profile

I also have a page on Papaly, a bookmarking website/mobile app/chrome extension I worked on. Papaly is a very useful tool!


I have a bunch of hobbies that I'm into. I love listening to music. I love dancing! I also enjoy playing piano and writing music. I absolutely love watching basketball, my favorite sport. I like computers, technology, and software. I like reading non-fiction books. Lately, I've gotten really interested in psychology and trying to help people with depression. I like videogames/computer games, comic strips, and comedy.